Remove growth & health barriers.
We work with every client in a unique way. We can do a complete checkup or check on a few areas. Our options for checkup range from ministry satisfaction to budgets and staffing, from demographics to buildings to a robust congregational survey.

What is involved in a Checkup?
Your key barriers to ministry health and growth are identified and targeted for removal.
We conduct surveys specific to your situation. Try our free “Financial Survey” now to get a small taste of the insight our survey’s can bring to your ministry.

We analyze the results of the surveys to reveal barriers that are inhibiting your ministry growth.
We prescribe solutions that increase ministry growth.

Summary of Checkup
Get beyond mere guessing by hiring the experienced professionals at Vision Planning to conduct sound analysis with research-based solutions.
We Love to Serve
We would love to see how we can help your ministry. Connect with us and tell us what’s going on in your neck of the woods.
Call Us: 719-332-1832
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