Equal sacrifice, not equal gifts
You have vision and architectural drawings. We can help you fund the project in a purely Biblical way – like King David funded the building of the Temple. You will maximize giving while minimizing the negative effects of materialism.


Lordship Campaign
Some call it a Capital Stewardship Campaign. We prefer Lordship Campaign, because our focus is on the Lordship of Christ, not on money. When your people recognize the Lordship of Christ over every aspect of their life, they realize that everything they have belongs to Him and give enthusiastically.
Greater Participation, Higher Numbers
Vision Planning clients discover an unanticipated benefit of our Ignite process. Because so many people have already taken ownership of the vision during ignite, they participate at higher levels during this campaign and give much more freely. Our experience is that Vision Planning clients realize giving numbers that are as much as 3X greater than what other capital stewardship companies typically deliver.